On Tuesday June 27th, after days of heavy rain, streams and rivers in Schuylkill County began to overflow their
banks. This included the creek that flows through New Philadelphia, which is actually begining of the Schuykill
river. A few basements were flooded by the stream but we were spared the devastation that occurred
to municipalities downstream and in other parts of the county. Port Carbon, Schuylkill Haven, Cressona, and Gilberton
were especially hard hit. Our close neighbors in Port Carbon started taking on water early Tuesday afternoon and
the rain didn't stop until Wednesday morning, some times falling at a rate of 2 inches an hour. Mutual aid was called
from all parts of the county to assist in the hardest hit areas. New Philadelphia fire department was called to help
out in Port Carbon, Blythe Township, and Middleport. The pagers didn't stop until Thursday evening.
Most of the time our units were tied up in our own borough but when we would get a break we would assist our mutual aid companies. These
are some pictures of New Philadelphia after the rain stopped.